Wednesday, May 1, 2024

You asked me to Speak English


You Asked Me to Speak English, Learn the Language

You said, “This is America”, learn the language.

You asked me to speak English.

You said, “this is the land of the Free, be grateful”.

You asked me to speak English.

You said, “To live here, you need to speak the language”.

You asked me to speak English.

You said, “To become a citizen, you need to learn the language”.

You asked me to speak English.

“The land of the free, where I do not have an equal opportunity”, I say.

You asked me to speak English.

They have their own culture, the black market it is called.

You asked me to speak English.

That is how they deal with your continued racism in 2024, they just do not participate in your system.

You asked me to speak English.

My answer.

I learned how to speak English, and my father and uncle did not.

They chose to be Americans, as in the Latin Americans, as in Hispanic Americans.

They chose to have their little hubs and communities in “America”.

They lived, they suffered, and had their head cracked open by police for just getting drunk.

Out of seven children, most college educated with degrees, some making six figures, all but one with homes of their own. No felons or career criminals. This our “American” family.

I learned to Speak English, as you wanted.

But did you learn to be Spanish.

I learned to be your friend. I learned to live with you.

I spoke your language, I speak your language.

Do you speak mine?

Because I learned to speak English, I have an extra set of friend.

Did you learn Spanish for an extra set of friends?

It is North America, at the top of South and Central America.

The United States is not “America” only. I am American by birth in Puerto Rico.

I learned the language to be at peace with you, it is not a symbol of being a US Citizen.

It is a symbol of my effort to make friends with you.

Where is your effort? It is not a one way street. Your atrocity is to call everyone whom does not speak English as being “un-American” and barbaric.

In turn, I ask you to learn to speak Spanish. The Indians were here first.

The Mexicans had most of “the United States”, so, learn the language to honor them.

Learn Spanish so we could be better friends. You assume when I speak Spanish “ahhh, he is talking about me”.

No, I am just communicating in my language.

I ask you to learn my language.

I ask you to learn Spanish.

In America, we should all be trilingual, with at minimum Spanish, English, and Sign Language.

God Bless.

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